Satya – The Yama of Truthfulness
Sean O'Leary
Satya is the practice being truthful and honest in our thought, speech and action. On the surface this yama may seem straightforward but in reality it requires a constant observance and understanding of the changing nature of our relationships and the world.
The definition of truth is “the true or actual state of a matter” or “conformity with fact or reality”. Interestingly if matter and reality are in constant state of fluctuation and change truth will be relative to each circumstance and situation. So to grasp at the idea of truth or honesty our yoga must be a spiritual practice that is rooted in a constant exploration of the present.
I love the idea of a practice that doesn’t state right or wrong or a single path but gives an idea that is relative to the individual, community, culture and causation of our surroundings. Every person has an opinion and values developed throughout life. Satya challenges us to investigate our motives. In his book Yoga for a World out of Balance Michael Stone points out the connection between person and society
“From the time of our birth, we each respond not only in a personal sense to the precariousness of our human condition, but we are also the inheritors of delusive social institutions and shared meanings about the world. The same basic patterns we find in our minds and bodies are also found in the structure and function of our institutions.”
I like how Michael Stone challenges the reader to consider how contemporary society can warp our worldviews and potentially corrupt us into living untruthful lives. The social and economic pressures of modern life make us think that success, financial gain and consumerism is equivalent to life satisfaction but this is ultimately a lie. At our deepest core we yearn for love, community and compassion. Yoga practice, meditation, pranayama, and asana all bring us closer to our true needs rather than our conditioned desires. The yama satya prompts us to investigate our desires and how we can live aligned with our highest truth.
What does living honestly mean to you?