What is a Mantra?

We sat down with our newest Live Yoga teacher Babeeta and asked her about yoga, meditation and mantra in preparation for her upcoming Satsang and Mantra and Meditation series.  Sometimes students are a bit uncertain about chanting OM or Sanskrit mantra and we wanted to elaborate on the meaning and benefit in this blog post.  Also what students might expect in coming to a satsang or mantra and meditation series. Read below to learn more!

What is a mantra?

Mantra can be broken down into “man” which means ‘mind’ and “tra” which means transport.   It is a sound/vibration that literally transports one to a meditative state.   It is a seed of sound that is planted in the nervous system that nurtures pure intention, attention and manifestation of thought.   

How does chanting Sanskrit Mantras create a meditative state of mind?

 Chanting sanskrit mantras creates a meditative state of mind through the sound waves.  The sound frequencies impact the brain waves to a more alpha state (~8-13 Hz).   They also act as a tool to focus our attention on the experience, vibration, and sound during the chant.

Do I need to be a good singer?

Being a good singer is not a criteria, being a good listener is. In order to receive the benefits of the mantras students will learn how each Sanskrit chant helps guide and concentrates our attention. Chanting as a group will help students learn the toning and rhythm that brings the chants alive! 

How Mantra meditation is another form of yoga?

Mantra chanting is an aspect of “Nada Yoga” or the ‘Yoga of Sound’, which re-establishes our connection with the cosmic intelligence.  The practice involves a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.

Will we do downward dogs and chaturangas?


Asana practise is not a part of the session; although we will do some gentle warm ups to prepare the body to be still in seated poses. 

Can anybody learn to chant and meditate?

Yes!  Anyone can learn to chant and meditate :).  Chanting is a fun practice that focuses our mind and also connects us with others.


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