Why Hatha Flow will keep you energized and balanced in 2019

We are now 1 week out of the post-Christmas festivities. The parties, family celebrations, indulgent meals, the gifts of chocolates and cookie exchanges all add up and chances are you may be feeling a little sluggish and low on energy coming into 2019.


A great way to offset all the treats is to take a Hatha Flow class to get the blood pumping and digestion moving. Hatha Flow incorporates sun salutations and other fluid movements into a beautiful rhythm of poses aligned with your breath. Perfect for all levels, you’ll start out slow, transition into a more energetic tempo (while always listening to your body and keeping a pace that is appropriate for you) and then cool down with some stretches and grounding poses.


Like all yoga practices, you will tailor the class to how you are feeling in the moment. Child’s pose is always an option so don’t worry if you need to take a break or feel intimidated by the pace. Drop down into child’s pose, catch your breath and rejoin the flow when you feel ready. You’ll work up a sweat depending on your energy level and your body will thank you for the opportunity to move mindfully. The best part? Savasana will feel extra sweet as you relax into that final pose.


You’ll notice that the more you practice Hatha Flow, the more energetic and strong you will become, and it’s a nice rotation with a gentle or restorative practice. We offer three Hatha Flow classes a week – Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. with Lauren, Fridays at 10:45 a.m. with Line and Sundays at 10:00 a.m. with Heather Anne. If you are new to Hatha Flow, I recommend Lauren’s class on Thursday evening. She is brand new to the studio, passionate about teaching and her class is ideal for all levels. If you are a more advanced yogi and really want to sweat, Heather Anne’s Sunday morning class tends to be more challenging. We are also happy to announce a new Hatha Flow class Mondays at 5pm with Line Grantham. 


We look forward to seeing you on the mat! May your 2019 be filled with joy!


Getting to know Sean O'Leary


Meditation and the art of staying calm amid the chaos